Student Services

"In special education, there's too much emphasis placed on the deficit and not enough on the strength." ~ Temple Grandin

As an educator of identified gifted students, with a Master's degree in Special Education, I am particularly attuned to the needs of our most at risk students. This year, I have advocated for the students on my caseload, mentored a newly assigned special education teacher, and worked to support all students in our district through discussions with our Special Services Director and the implementation of a night school option.

Artifact 1

This artifact is one I created during SPED 756. Disproportionality in Special Education is a well-known problem that requires a change in how we implement our child find process. This slideshow demonstrates my understanding of the process and shares possible solutions.

Artifact 2

As a member of the Kansas Association for the Gifted, Talented and Creative, I was able to attend a professional development in cooperation with KSDE TASN on how to write measurable IEP goals for gifted students. This opportunity helped me consider the language I was using in the goals the IEP teams I work on are creating for students. Furthermore, I was able to share this work with a teacher that I mentor.

Artifact 3

Manhattan High School Night School serves students who are in need of credit recovery. These students, mostly seniors, attend school during the day, then attend night school in the evening where teachers help them with credit recovery coursework. Nearly all of the students are also identified as at-risk, special education, or English Language Learners. The remote and hybrid learning was especially tough for the students in night school and created the need for night school.

This program, which I started in January 2022, serves 15 students and continues to grow.

Our administrator is considering how to continue this program into the 2022-2023 school year.